all the babies were happy, and lived happily ever after!
We love books, and we're kicking off our month
long literacy focus with Fairy Tales, from infants to school-age!
(Check back again for more pictures of how our fabulous teachers
are preparing--and how our fabulous students are learning all month long!)
Fairy Tales have a lot offer, as you'll see below:
"Besides being able to answer trivia questions when they are adults, fairy tales actually offer many unique learning opportunities for young children", according to Some of the opportunities include skills development in these areas: |
Language Skills – Listening to fairy tales can introduce young children to many new words and phrases, such as, “I’ll huff and I’ll puff or “someone’s been eating my porridge”. Math Skills – The Three Bears is filled with opportunities for learning size discrimination and from the Three Billy Goats Gruff, children can learn position concepts, such as; first, second and third. Cultural Awareness – The beauty of fairy tales is that they are often about different times and cultures. Another important fact is that many stories are enjoyed around the world with slight variations. Dramatic Skills – Children love acting out these interesting yet simple stories. Imagination Skills – Reading or telling fairy tales provides a great opportunity for children to develop their imagination skills. Cooking Skills – Expanding story time with simple cooking projects, helps children remember the story plots better, plus increasing their cooking skills. |
How fun it is making "porridge" while reading "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"!
And making gingerbread cookies to the tale of "The Gingerbread Boy"--even
planting beans with "Jack and the Beanstalk". The opportunities abound,
so check out this do at home activity:
Fairy Tale Homes, from the Scholastic Books website.
Enjoy, and keep reading!