Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday means JAM!  JAM is Jesus and Me here at Holly Tree.  The following pictures are the older kids in JAM this morning.  Today's lesson was about Lazarus raising from the dead when he heard Jesus' voice.  We talked about the sense of hearing to go along with our monthly theme as well.  For our craft we made door hangers that had the following verse on them:

"Pray to Him and He will hear your voice." - Job 22:27  

Just as Lazarus heard Jesus' voice, God hears our voice when we pray to Him.  We talked about prayer and spent some time in prayer as well.  It's such a great practice for us everyone to pray.  We will take home our door hangers to remind us to pray.  

Using our crayons to color our door hangers.

He is proud to show us his door hanger.

Here Ms. Karla is talking to the two-year-olds with Peanut.  Peanut is our JAM/Chapel dog friend that reminds us to make good choices and be good listeners during our times together.  The kids all LOVE Peanut!  We are reviewing the Bible lesson here.

We had to get the little ones' pictures too!  Even though they don't participate in JAM on Fridays they are too cute to not grab pictures of them!

Sucking on the fingers for this Friday morning!


Good Morning!

Have a great weekend, Holly Tree Families!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Taste Testing & Brownie Points with PreK

Today in PreK the special activity for this Fun Friday was to taste different foods and describe what they taste like.

Each child was given a plate with a piece of pickle, chip, and lemon to taste.

Here is the taste chart Ms. Saundra developed to graph the students' reactions.

Let the tasting begin!

Some had funny reactions to these tastes!

I think I know what his answer was for the lemon!

Not a fan.

We have been studying the sense of taste this week so this was a great activity to reinforce the vocabulary introduced.

Up next was the Brownie Points activity.  All week long PreK has been earning "Brownie Points" depending on their good choices for the week.

These are the ingredients with which we started this activity.

We learned during our Publix visit to read the label and find out what is inside of the food we eat.

Eggs are important when baking brownies!

And we are adding oil here.

Then we all got to have a taste test with the brownie mix to see what type of taste it was.

This was a fun tasting activity!  It started off in a liquid form before baking.  Then after it baked we go to see it turn into a solid form.  We'll be tasting the baked brownies for lunch today.  We are excited!

Thanks Ms. Saundra for this fun activity on this Fun Friday!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Publix Special Guest

Today, January 16th, a special guest from Publix came in and demonstrated healthy snacks for us to eat.  Since we are focusing on health and wellness this month this was the perfect special guest for us!

Ms. Jan showed us two options of the same type of food.  She then showed us how to read the ingredients and decide which one was the healthier option.  She brought in lots of different types of foods for us to see.

We were excited to learn from Ms. Jan!

Here on the table are the different foods from Publix that she brought.

Here she is showing us a healthier chip option that is baked instead of fried.

Water is so good for us to drink!

She gave us all the weekly flier of sales.  Inside we looked for fruits and vegetables that we talked about today.  

As a special treat, Ms. Jan gave us each a Publix bag filled with healthy snacks for us to take home.  We were so thankful and loved getting to learn about healthy snack options today.  

Thank you, Ms. Jan!