Friday, January 18, 2013

Taste Testing & Brownie Points with PreK

Today in PreK the special activity for this Fun Friday was to taste different foods and describe what they taste like.

Each child was given a plate with a piece of pickle, chip, and lemon to taste.

Here is the taste chart Ms. Saundra developed to graph the students' reactions.

Let the tasting begin!

Some had funny reactions to these tastes!

I think I know what his answer was for the lemon!

Not a fan.

We have been studying the sense of taste this week so this was a great activity to reinforce the vocabulary introduced.

Up next was the Brownie Points activity.  All week long PreK has been earning "Brownie Points" depending on their good choices for the week.

These are the ingredients with which we started this activity.

We learned during our Publix visit to read the label and find out what is inside of the food we eat.

Eggs are important when baking brownies!

And we are adding oil here.

Then we all got to have a taste test with the brownie mix to see what type of taste it was.

This was a fun tasting activity!  It started off in a liquid form before baking.  Then after it baked we go to see it turn into a solid form.  We'll be tasting the baked brownies for lunch today.  We are excited!

Thanks Ms. Saundra for this fun activity on this Fun Friday!

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